The Nuts and Bolts of Materials Science

A compact Table of Contents is given below showing the chapters and sections. The things left out are: The preface at the beginning, the subsections in the text, and the list of key words at the end of the book.

You can download the complete Table of Contents, including subsections, here.

    1. Introduction 1.1  Metals
1.2  Ceramics
1.3  Inorganic Glasses
1.4  Polymers
1.5  Semiconductors
    2. Atomic Bonding in
2.1  Electron States in Atoms
2.2  Electron States and Bonding in Molecules
2.3  Atom-Atom Bonding in Solids
    3. Structure of Solids 3.1  Structure and Properties; A First Glimpse
3.2  Crystals and Unit Cells
3.3  Close-packing of Atoms
3.4  Structure of Metals
3.5  Structure of Ceramics
3.6  Structure of Covalent Crystals
3.7  Structure of Inorganic Glasses
3.8  Structure of Polymers
3.9  Crystal Geometry and Solid Structure
3.10  Structure Determination by X-ray Diffraction
3.11  Structure and Properties: A Second Glimpse
    4. Defects in Solids 4.1  Overview of Crystal Imperfections
4.2  Point Defects in Metals
4.3  Point Defects in Ceramics
4.4  Impurities in Covalent Crystals
4.5  Dislocations in Metals
4.6  Area Defects in Metals
4.7  Structure and Properties: A Third Glimpse
    5. Mechanical Properties 5.1  Macroscopic Phenomena: Stress and Strain
5.2  Stress vs. Strain Curves: Elastic Deformation
5.3  Inelastic Deformation: Yielding and Ductility
5.4  Mechanical Properties of Materials
5.5  Atomic Models of Mechanical Behavior
5.6  Fracture
5.7  Strengthening of Materials
    6. Diffusion 6.1  Description of the Process and Mechanisms
6.2  Fick’s First Law: Steady-State Diffusion
6.3  Fick’s Second Law: Non-Steady-State Diffusion
    7. Phase Changes 7.1  Phases of Materials
7.2  The Generic One-Component Phase Diagram
7.3  Examples of One-Component Phase Diagrams
7.4  The Gibbs Phase Rule
7.5  Phase Changes: Melting and Solidification
    8. Phases and Micro-
8.1  Two-Component Phase Diagrams
8.2  Binary Isomorphous System
8.3  Binary Eutectic System
8.4  Other Binary Systems
8.5  The Fe-C System: Phases and Kinetics
8.6  TTT Diagrams and Microstructure
8.7  Summary
    9. Metal Alloys 9.1  Ferrous Alloys
9.2  Non-Ferrous Alloy
    10. Ceramics and Glasses 10.1  Phase Diagrams and Microstructure
10.2  Ceramics, Glasses, and Crystallization
10.3  Glass-Ceramics
10.4  Engineering Ceramics
    11. Polymers 11.1  Classification of Polymers
11.2  Chemistry of Polymer Molecules
11.3  Geometrical Aspects of Polymer Molecules
11.4  Size Distribution of Polymer Molecules
11.5  Material Properties and Applications
    12. Electronic Properties 12.1  The Two Forms of Ohm’s Law
12.2  Atomic Picture of Electrical Conductivity
12.3  Electron States and Energy Bands in Solids
12.4  Conduction in Metals: Electron Mobility
12.5  Semiconductors
12.6  Dielectrics, or Insulators
12.7  Electronic Devices
    13. The Future of Materials  13.1  Materials Microscopy at the Atomic Scale
13.2  Nanoscale Materials - Size Effects
13.3  New Carbon-Based Materials
13.4  Advanced Metals
13.5  Photonic Crystal Optical Fibers
13.6  New Electronic Materials - Bandgap
          Engineering, and The End of Moore's Law ?
13.7  Epilogue

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